Day 381 090611 ~ Power of Words
'Thank you' is one powerful phrase that can change your whole damn world.
This morning I received two thank you that made me smile..
one from a stranger in the jeepney...
Her husband was somehow disabled and so umurong ako from the estribo side so that he can sit sa mas malapit sa babaan. After nila maka-upo, the woman said 'thank you' to me. I know that what I did wasn't that much, but I'm glad that I made that choice para umusog.
and one from a blogger..
It was my first time to give a gift to a co-blogger... it was one of the few talents that I can offer to show how thankful I am on meeting them. Her reaction made me smile today. Again you're welcome, have a nice day!
If the world has been showering you with storms, always smile and think that the sky is just washing away all those sad thoughts. Think positive everyone! :)
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